Saturday, April 30, 2011 @ 11:42 PM

aiyak! interview??? huaaa..
nk ckap omputeh ker mlayu..omputeh ker mlayu??

hurmmm, manglish ar op..bru best..x ar busan ngt crite..kan3..
talking about interview, sblum ni ak xpernh pom pegi mne2 interview..2 yg first time 2..
adoiya..berdebarnyer, cam nk tercabut jtung 2...hahaha
semggu ak prepare tuk interview mktb nim..dh la ak dpt yg cg bi (sk)
so, kne "speaking london" la jwbnyer..huhu
almost everyday i buy the NST newspaper..hahaha..
highlight the current news especially..most of the news were talking about politics!huh!

ok, kte pendekkan crite ...
tanggal 21/04/2011....(chewah, cm tarikh merdeka la plop)
ak pegi la interview 2..kat IPG dpn skolah ex skolah ak jep...
everythinx was fine on that mornix..http://www.cute-smiley.comthe weather was so pleasent to0..
clothes?? bju kurung ofcos!..wearing a sneakers one inch shoe..
hurmm, all perfect!..haha..not all actually but almost

Ak sampai lambat di IPG, gara2 kalut punye psal.. file2 ak bru kmas mse pagi2 nk pegi 2..huhu..
10 minit lg nk start iv ni ker bakal nk jd cg..pegi interview pom lambat..sigh!
sblum tmudge start, sume calon kne duk kat luar bilik 2..lme jgak mnuggunyer..
pas2, ak t'lupe sumthing yg penting..
AK LUPE BAWAK GAMBAR !!! arghh..kalut2..ase cam nk nangis mse 2.
nasib baek interviewer 2 baek aty.dy sruh bg gmbr 2 kemudian..
then, ak cpat2 la call mak ak sruh bwk gmbr 2..fuh! lege ase..

not along after that, the interview session begin..
start wif the INSAK exam..then the group session..
tension btol ak yg group nim susah giler..
it was about ICT facilities..
i was run out of idea..i didn't speak to0 much..huhu so sad..

but the personal session covered the group one..
the interviewer didn't ask so much coz i talked so much
the interview was over within almost half an hour...

i hoped that i'll be choosen to futher my stdy in teaching..
teaching is fun!

waaa..i talked write to0 much right?? haha..
okey, that's all 4 this tyme..bye alls...