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Saturday, October 11, 2014 @ 3:02 AM

crite yg dh agak basi sbb selalu lmbt update blog, tp sementara ad mase terluang ni, and mood nk menaip mencurah curah, lappy pon dah 'fully furnish' so moh la kite berceloteh dlm ruangan ni

setelah 5 bulan ak menjadi penganggur terhormat kt rumah, akhirnya ak tmatkn zaman kegelapan tu setelah ak mendapat tawarn sambung belajar di peringkt ijazah sarjana muda di uitm puncak alam

yes, my dream came true. but the course offered is not my 1st choice. PHYSIOTHERAPY :(. I finished my dip in pharmacy n of course i want the same field for my degree.( pe bole buat. ak redha n xde rezeki kt bidang farmasi)

i took almost a week kot nk pikir nk trima ke tak tawaran uitm tu since ak x kenal mane2 kawan or senior yang amik kos fisio. tp ak tnye jgak pndpt org lain psl kos ni. ok ke x. n i did some research about setelah tolak campur darab bahagi semua, dgn hati yg redha ak cube ikhlaskn hati ak utk trima tawarn itu.

skrg dh sebulan secara rasminya ak jd stdnt UiTM puncak alam.

terus terang ak cakap kt sini, ak still xcaya ak bole further degree kt uitm puncak alam. sbb dulu waktu diploma rase mcm kecik je duduk kolej yang separuh bngunan tu . (tapi tetap bersyukur)

since dah sebulan ak kt palam tu, ramai yang tanya kenapa tukar kos? kenapa amik fisio? kenapa tu knapa ni?

jawapan ak senang je xde rezeki. tp klau bole ak nk explain kt dyorg bukan ak mudah mcmtu je sbb xde rezeki, ak trus pilih fisio. byak sebab kenape ak xsmbung farmasi (walaupn mmg nkk sgttt amik farmasi)

1. lembaga farmasi dh tetapkn syarat yg utk bpharm klau dr diploma pointer MESTI 3.5 ke ats dan SPM at least B FIZIK kimia bio. syrt ni diguna pakai utk satu msia (termsuk ipts). so since pointer ak 3.4 n spm ak FIZIK C, mmg xde harapn. dh buat rayuan kt lembaga tp tak diluluskn. sedihhh.

2. klau nk further farmsi jgak bole, kene reseat balik paper FIZIK. then try buat rayuan lagi kt lembaga farmasi utk further degree. ni plan ak awl2 sebelum dpt twrn UiTM n sementara nk reseat paper fz ak dh plan nk keje dulu mane2 hosp swasta or klinik or retai pharmacy.

3. if dpt further pon, ak xde pilihan g ipta sbb dia nk jaga standrd dia. so dia trima 3.5 SAHAJA. so nk xnk ak kene msuk ipts (if dpt further). tp ak pikir balik. ipts? kos pengajian dia sgt mahal. belom msuk penginapan sume. ak pikir mampu ke ak even klau dpt pinjaman?. adik2 ak still ad yg bsekolah lagi. mmpu ke ayah ak nk tanggung ak?

4. waktu medical check up kt klinik hiliran, i met a doctor who in charge for my check up. then dia tnya, "awak sambung kos apa?" " oh, fisioterapi doktor". " wahh, bgus tu, nanti keje sronok. lpas dh abis blajar nnti try apply keje kt sini ye ;)". "insyaAllah". i dont know but i just felt a bit motivated after she told me tht. tht's another reason mybe :)

at the end, i took the offer. at first i wasnt confident with my choice, but after i got so lots of positive words, advise from friends , seniors n moral support from my family, i build the strength to move fowrd. n try to please myself that beyond of all this obstacles i hv been through, there's a beauty behind it. it may not my choice, but He is choosing the path for me that lead to tht beauty.
